The Eclipse Foundation

An amazing open source community of diverse technology and collaboration.

javascript, c/c++, java, php, xtext
research, internet of things, industry, runtime systems
An amazing open source community of diverse technology and collaboration.

Eclipse is an open source community that's focused around key principles of transparency, openness, and vendor neutrality. Transparency is a relatively easy concept to understand: the work that we do is done in a manner that can be observed by anybody with an interest. While many open source organizations regard openness as a synonym for transparency, the Eclipse community defines openness as a project team being open to new ideas, and inviting others to participate. Vendor neutrality ensures that no single vendor can dominate a project and that everybody plays by the same set of rules (a so-called "level playing field").

Naturally, Eclipse projects are also all about the code. With over three hundred open source projects covering a diverse set of of technologies, there's something here for everybody.

Eclipse projects build technology in areas such as Internet of Things, Programming Languages and IDE, and Runtimes like Jetty and EE4J (currently known as Java EE).

For those students interested in research, we have an entire working group focused on Science where researches from some of the world's most prestigious labs do open source development to support their research areas.

You've probably heard about our market-leading software development tools; we have that, and so much more...

2018 Program

Successful Projects

Théo Giovanna
Henning Treu
The Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse SmartHome meets IOTA’s Tangle distributed ledger: accumulating data through Tangle for the SmartHome in exchange of IOTAs.
Eclipse SmartHome is not an end user product per se, but rather a framework used to build end user solutions on top. ESH therefore serves as an...
Oren Friedman
Yasser Aziza
The Eclipse Foundation
Null to Optional (N2O) Eclipse Plugin
This project’s goal is to add to the Eclipse JDT a fully automated, semantics-preserving refactoring for legacy Java code that replaces occurrences...
Manish Khurana
Nathan Ridge
The Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse CDT: Integration with the Language Server Protocol
This project will improve the CDT for eclipse by using cquery or clangd language server for getting source code analysis of a C++ project.
Shivam Mittal
Daryl Maier
The Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse OMR : Improve Floating Point performance in OMR x86 backend
This project aims at increasing floating point performance by the following improvements: In Simplifier and Value Propagation, less work is done on...
Ahmet Tanakol
The Eclipse Foundation
Generating JSON Editors based on JSON Schema
Manual writing and editing form-based UIs is time consuming and error prone effort. JSON Forms allows you to describe the layout and controls of your...
Pavel Drankou
Thomas Segismont
The Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Vert.x: Apache Cassandra client
Vert.x is a toolkit for building reactive applications on JVM. It also has a lot of extensions for working with different services, for example with...
Alfusainey Jallow
Kai Hudalla
The Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Hono: AMQP protocol adapter
Eclipse Hono allows business applications to consume telemetry and event data from IoT devices regardless of the communication protocol supported by...