Open Bioinformatics Foundation

Promoting practice & philosophy of OSS & Open Science in biological research.

python, javascript, c/c++, php, d
web, bioinformatics, computational biology
Promoting practice & philosophy of OSS & Open Science in biological research.

The Open Bioinformatics Foundation (OBF) is a non-profit, volunteer-run group dedicated to promoting the practice and philosophy of Open Source software development and Open Science within the biological research community.

Our main activities are:

  • Running and supporting the BOSC conferences.
  • Organizing and supporting developer-centric "Hackathon" events.
  • Participating in the Google Summer of Code program on behalf of our member projects as an umbrella mentoring organization.
  • Managing servers, colocation facilities, bank account, domain names, and other assets for the benefit of our member projects.
  • Public opinion and policy statements about matters related to Open Source and Open Science in bioinformatics.

The Foundation does not participate directly in the development or structure of the open source work, but as the members of the foundation are drawn from our projects' developer communities, there is clear commonality of direction and purpose.

The OBF is governed by a Board of Directors. Our bylaws lay out how the Board is elected, holds public meetings, and conducts its business, as well as the scope and role of our membership. OBF is an associated project with Software In The Public Interest, Inc., a fiscal sponsorship organization, and through SPI we can accept tax-exempt charitable donations.

The OBF is open to anyone who is interested in promoting open source bioinformatics / open science. Please see the Membership page for more information.

2018 Program

Successful Projects

Moritz Beber
Open Bioinformatics Foundation
Adding methods to cobrapy for improved constraint-based metabolic modelling.
Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA) methods for Genome-wide Metabolic Networks (GEMs) have proven to be essential for the varied...
Sarthak Sehgal
YoYehudi, Dennis Schwartz, Rowland Mosbergen
Open Bioinformatics Foundation
Frontend Website Student Project for BioJS
BioJS is a library of over two hundred JavaScript components which enables users to visualise and process data. BioJS currently has two websites: ...
Edgar Garriga Nogales
Paolo Di Tommaso, Michael R. Crusoe, Stian Soiland-Reyes
Open Bioinformatics Foundation
Implement the support for Research Object specification into Nextflow framework
The goal of this project is to implement the support for Research Object specification into Nextflow workflow framework, with the aim to improve the...
Sophia Mersmann
Oliver Alka, Julianus Pfeuffer, Timo Sachsenberg
Open Bioinformatics Foundation
Improve Posterior Error Probability Estimation For Peptide Search Engine Results
OpenMS is an open-source software C++ library for mass spectrometry (MS) data management and analyses. A common task in proteomics is to identify and...
YoYehudi, Dennis Schwartz, Rowland Mosbergen
Open Bioinformatics Foundation
Backend Website Student Project
BioJS is a library of over two hundred JavaScript components enabling developers to visualize and process data using current web technologies. The...