Automate and improve GitHub workflows

javascript, github, node
automation, development tools, bot
Automate and improve GitHub workflows

What is a GitHub App?

A GitHub app is an application that receives request each time something happens in repositories that they are installed on and can then act as a bot user to make changes.

A very simple example is the WIP GitHub App – it sets the status of a pull request to pending if the word "wip" is in the pull request subject. The status gets updated each time the pull request title is changed.

How does Probot work?

Probot is a Node.js framework based on the Express Server framework. It provides APIs to subscribe to events that are happening on GitHub to run your custom code. For example, the WIP GitHub App mentioned above is built with Probot in only about 20 lines of code:

Why apply for Probot?

You will create your very own GitHub application, your own product that you can add to your portfolio at the end of the summer. While working on your own app, you will interact with the Probot core team and learn how to contribute to the core project itself.

We look forward to meeting you :)

2018 Program

Successful Projects

Jason Etcovitch, Brandon Keepers
Background Checking Github App with Probot
When a new user comments on an issue or PR, we do a sentiment analysis on their past comments and if they are hostile, setup a discussion board for...
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Probot : Weekly Digest
A bot built on Probot which automatically generates Weekly Digests and publishes it as an issue in a locked issue.