OWASP Foundation

OWASP, The Open Web Application Security Project.

python, javascript, java, ruby, net
application security, cloud security, mobile security
OWASP, The Open Web Application Security Project.

The OWASP Foundation came online on December 1st 2001 it was established as a not-for-profit charitable organization in the United States on April 21, 2004 to ensure the ongoing availability and support for our work at OWASP. OWASP is an international organization and the OWASP Foundation supports OWASP efforts around the world. OWASP is an open community dedicated to enabling organizations to conceive, develop, acquire, operate, and maintain applications that can be trusted. All of the OWASP tools, documents, forums, and chapters are free and open to anyone interested in improving application security. We advocate approaching application security as a people, process, and technology problem because the most effective approaches to application security include improvements in all of these areas. We can be found at www.owasp.org.

OWASP is a new kind of organization. Our freedom from commercial pressures allows us to provide unbiased, practical, cost-effective information about application security. OWASP is not affiliated with any technology company, although we support the informed use of commercial security technology. Similar to many open-source software projects, OWASP produces many types of materials in a collaborative and open way. The OWASP Foundation is a not-for-profit entity that ensures the project's long-term success

2018 Program

Successful Projects

Aashish Singh
Björn Kimminich
OWASP Foundation
OWASP Juice Shop : Frontend Technology Update
Juice shop uses AngularJS for it's frontend along with Bootstrap. Keeping the application up to date with the latest technologies is important to...
Shaddy Garg
SriHarsha, Ali Razmjoo Qalaei, Abbas Naderi
OWASP Foundation
General Improvements and Bug Fixes for OWASP-Nettacker
OWASP Nettacker is a project that automatically gathers information, scans network for vulnerabilities and eventually generates a report for...
Emmanouil Kirtas
Rick M, Ricardo Pereira, Simon Bennetts
OWASP Foundation
WebSockets Active Scanning
For my contribution to the ZAP I am going to implement an active web socket scan. Specifically, I will develop an extension for WebSocket add-on by...
Priyanka Jain
Minhaz, Riccardo ten Cate-1, Glenn ten Cate
OWASP Foundation
OWASP SKF - New user experience based on chat bots
Security Knowledge Framework (SKF) is a tool that is used as a guide for building and verifying secure software.It can also be used to train...
Pradeep Jairamani
SriHarsha, Ali Razmjoo Qalaei, Abbas Naderi
OWASP Foundation
Owasp-Nettacker Enhancements
OWASP-Nettacker currently is a project with less functionality compared to other network penetration testing tools like Nmap, Nessus. In this...
M. Kajan
Rick M, Ricardo Pereira
OWASP Foundation
Authentication helper add-on for ZAP
ZAP allows the penetration tester to set up authentication for the web application being tested. This allows ZAP to run tests from the point of an...
S Rahul Badami-1
souravbadami, Sean A
OWASP Foundation
Bug Logging Tool
BLT lets anyone report issues they find on the internet. It gives points to users for reporting bugs .But it lacks mobile portability that is the app...
Shoeb Patel
Jannik Hollenbach, Timo Pagel
OWASP Foundation
OWASP Juice Shop : Challenge Pack 2018
This project will involve designing and implementing new vulnerable features and challenges around them which will successfully show how...