The open source community for infrastructure software.
At OW2, our job is to promote the development of open-source software for complex information systems: middleware, generic business applications, cloud computing platforms, etc. We are supported by a vibrant open source community and business ecosystem. We help build healthy and sustainable open source projects that reach out to their markets. In 2017, OW2 celebrated its 10th anniversary. OW2con'18 is all about technology, community and business. The OW2 Consortium hosts some one hundred technology projects, including ASM, Bonita, Chameleon, CLIF, DocDoku, Easybeans, Emerginov, Fractal, FusionDirectory, JOnAS, JORAM, JOTM, Knowage, LemonLDAP:NG, Lutece, OCCInterface, PetalsESB, Prelude, ProActive, RocketChat, SAT4J, Spagic, Spago4Q, Talend Studio, Telosys, WebLab and XWiki. Visit www.ow2.org, follow us on Twitter @ow2.