ReactOS is a free, open source, Windows compatible operating system.
ReactOS is a free, open source, Windows compatible operating system.
Imagine running your favorite Windows applications and drivers in an open-source environment you can trust. That's ReactOS. A free, open source, Windows compatible operating system.
It's written from scratch, not based on Linux, with 9,000,000+ lines of code and growing. More than 100 developers contributed along the years
It aims to be lightweight with only 500MB HDD and 96MB RAM as the current minimum requirement.
Developers enjoy a fast, CMake based build system that supports GCC, Clang and MSVC toolchains (including Visual Studio solutions support).
2018 Program
Successful Projects
Victor Perevertkin
Pierre Schweitzer, Hermès Bélusca-Maïto, Thomas Faber, sanchaez
Writing bootloader code for booting from BTRFS
ReactOS has support for reading and writing to btrfs partitions, but bootloader does not support btrfs. I want to implement reading btrfs partitions...